My New Year’s Resolutions: Health, Happiness & Adventure in 2021

Do you come up with New Year’s resolutions every year? I always come up with them in my head, maybe three tops, so that I can remember them and they are usually very focused. Nothing crazy, but definitely something to measure to throughout the year. Last year I had just one: Be as “put together” as humanly possible each day. Do the workout, curl your hair on a day you weren’t planning on it, basically just go the extra mile when normally you wouldn’t. I honestly believe it’s that one resolution that helped make me kick start this blog you are reading at this very moment!

This year I have three:

Easy one right? Work out more? Kind of. I think back to 2018 and for my birthday I ran a marathon. Fast forward to 2020 I ran but didn’t train for a single race: you honestly couldn’t sign up for any races due to the pandemic, but I have a hard time working toward a non-epic goal. It was fit in the running when you can since you are home with the kids while Ryan is on calls all day which is not the best for a routine. I got a Peloton for Mother’s Day and have used it a ton, but never set goals for it…that will change in 2021. There was a lot of virtual schooling, then racing to catch up with things when the kids were finally in school, thennnn back to virtual for a week, home for the holidays, and it goes on. Not an excuse, just the way it was this year. So resolution number one is planning three races, consistent Peloton workouts and fully plotting out weekly workout routines. I literally have an hour by hour planner that will accomodate this and it WILL HAPPEN.

My kids make me happiest. We were lucky enough to have a lot of time to do crafts, hikes, exploring, learning, grow butterflies, hang out, etc in 2020. I am beyond thankful for that part of this time. Moms of the world are always saying “Time, slow down!”…well we got our wish this year! This will continue…my kids will ALWAYS be my main focus. However, another part of my heart lies in The Deal Party. I have a hard time talking negative at length (of course there were tough days and weeks) on 2020 because I started The Deal Party. I have learned so much and put so much out there about myself, and ideas I have. I’ve felt so free doing this. I plan to bring it 10 fold in 2021. I want to push forward in areas that would have made no sense if I hadn’t started all of this. I want to grow my Tik Tok account (come follow me!) with videos of fun air fryer recipes, cool things I found on Amazon at great prices, and possibly try The Ghost Challenge (kidding, but not reallly). I want to post consistent YouTubes on how to shop your favorite sites to find the best deals. I want to engage so much more with my amazing followers in new and interesting ways. I want to grow so much building this community and am so thankful for everyone that has followed in 2020!

New Adventures
This one is easy. If you have met me in person, and I’m sure you are getting this sense if you are following me in Instagram Stories, I am always up for a new adventure. 2020 allowed for some, but not like 2021 will. I want to spend more time pushing our daily adventures on the weekend, in the summer, during weeks off. Our kids are older now, and can handle days without naps, a tad later bedtimes (I’m such a stickler for bedtimes) and are just interested in trying new adventures with me. I want to do all the local things on my list we haven’t done yet, maybe repeat a few and make more ambitious goals for our days off. These are the days! I’m going to start a section in my planner (I really live off this thing) with the running list for the year of our adventures and make sure there is time in every single weekend and day off to achieve this. It’s time we can be more ambitious with our trips (once any restrictions regarding the pandemic are lessened obviously) and events and really appreciate life outside our walls (the ones we stared at some days in 2020, lol!).

Girl, I’m so pumped for 2021.



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