Three Day at Home Juice Cleanse: Getting Back on Track

**Please note this was based off Good Nature’s Three Day DIY Juice Cleanse. I have altered it to make it my own due to past experiences juicing. I replaced and added two daily different rounds of celery juice. I have juiced celery for a few months previous each morning…it works for me to ward off coffee cravings (and cut any urge for wine if you need it!). I have also replaced any of the juices that included beets. I cannot get down anything with beets in it and honestly have thought I could possibly even be allergic to them, my body rejects them so much every time I eat them. I also eliminated mint from the juices because of personal preference and adjusted serving sizes from 24oz to 16oz for personal preference (basically I’m not used to consuming quite this much liquid lol). It goes without saying I’m not recommending this to anyone merely, documenting what I did as a person in average good health! Hope this helps get the gears moving for you towards trying new things to recharge/restart healthy habits whatever they may be for you!

Why a Three Day Cleanse?
Honestly…it is time! I gave myself grace this year in a lot of areas. Food seemed like the only thing around you could at least let loose with and I mostly did. I don’t regret anything or get too tied up in diets, watching calories etc., but I definitely know when I need a restart. I am doing this cleanse to reset, recharge and just clear the runway to get back to healthier eating. I chose three days specifically as a challenge. If I only did one day, I didn’t think its enough commitment from me as a reset.

This juice cleanse requires a juicer. Yes. You legitimately need a juicer and not some other way of creating juice. I recommend on The Deal party tons of cheaper versions of things but for juicers I won’t do it. The juicer I own works great and isn’t overpriced in my opinion for what it does. Previously I did own a less expensive Amazon retailer one and they just don’t compare when you are juicing things like an entire bunch of celery stalks. You get what you pay for with juicers. Invest wisely. I have a Breville juicer and love it. Also note, I always juice on the HIGH setting.

For this cleanse I also purchased a 10pk of 16oz glass storage/drinking containers for on the go. When it comes to juicing, I’ve found its best to make it on the spot, not make a big batch and keep it, but without fail you will be on the go at times and will need to store it. The juice doesn’t take long to separate and get generally gross looking and I try to avoid that at all costs. Plus, its just better fresh and if you read about it enough, many references suggest making it fresh on the spot if possible for the biggest nutrient bang for your buck. This pack also comes with a brush cleaner. PS: Major tip on juicing, clean everything the second you are done using it. When juicer parts, cups, glasses anything sits with juiced fruits or veggies on it it just gets impossible to clean. Take the time to clean up immediately after, it will save time (and juicer parts) in the long run!

The Schedule
Here is the exact schedule I will be following an the serving sizes are based off juice amount produced:
8:00 am/wake up: 16oz celery
9:00 am: 16oz pineapple, green apple, cucumber
11:00 am: 16oz kale, green apple, celery, lemon, cucumber, ginger
1:00 pm/lunch: 16oz pineapple, green apple, cucumber
3:00 pm: 16oz kale, green apple, celery, lemon, cucumber, ginger
5:30 pm: 16oz carrot, red apples, green apples, lemon, ginger
7:00 pm: 16oz celery
9:00 pm/bed: 12oz warm lemon water

Light exercise each day: easy Peloton ride, yoga, walks, etc.

Shopping List (updating this through 4/9/21 in case anything has to be added or taken out)
All produce is thoroughly washed, cleaned, any ends cut off. Highly recommend going all organic.
- (2) 10oz bags of kale
- (2) 2lb bags of gala apples
- (4) 2lb bags of green apples
- (1) 2lb bag of lemons
- (2) containers of store cut pineapple
- (4) 1lb bags of baby carrots
- 2 long English cucumbers (they were the only organic ones available)
- (10) 1lb bags of celery
- 2 medium size pieces of ginger root

The Experience
Immediately starting the cleanse, I was two things: Super excited to start (it really is time) and craving coffee. The first day went pretty well when it came to completely altering a diet. I definitely craved food ALL day. That part was hard. Stuff I wouldn’t normally pick to eat I would see and want to devour (um, like Brynn’s peanut butter English muffin). I also took it extremely easy with exercise. By exercise, I mean walking the dog and walking around Target. I kind of feared over extending myself because it was such a shift in diet. I did end up making all the juices on the spot even though at times it would have been a whole lot easier to make multiple at once. Day two you are less hungry until around late lunch/dinner time and then you are counting down the minutes to the end of Day 3. Listen to when your body tells you to stop. You will know. My body told me to stop and order sushi before the Day 3 schedule ended and I listened. I thought it wouldn’t be enough commitment to do just one day of the cleanse, and looking back at the last few days, doing even just one day of a cleanse is an amazing feat!

All in all, this is a great cleanse and much easier to make than I expected. I’d say it definitely makes you feel less bloated, more focused after completion, and definitely aids digestion. I would personally just cut it to one or two days unless you are used to juicing for longer time periods. I will definitely be using this juicing schedule again!!


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